
Showing posts from February, 2019

Love Hotel Sleepover・ラブホ女子会

Hey Everyone! 皆さん、こんにちは! A little while ago, I had a sleepover together with 3 of my girlfriends at a love hotel called, “Bali An Resort”. Ever since moving to Japan, I’ve always wanted to have a girl’s night at a love hotel. It ended up being more fun than I could have ever imagined. In Japan, a “love hotel” is an infamous place where couples go to have some alone time. These days however, they are also a great place to have a gno (girl’s night out)! この間、4人組の女友達たちと「バリアンリゾート」というラブホテルで泊まりました。日本に来た時からずっとやってみたかったのです。思った以上にすごく楽しかったです。「ラブホテル」というのは基本、カップルが二人きりの時間を楽しめる場所となっていますが、女子会もでき、ワイワイ楽しめるのです。 Price-wise, we spent about \9,000 per person. While that price might seem a bit high, it included not only the price of our stay, but also several amenities as well. We had access to “free” wine, games, face masks, skin care, etc. It was the fanciest love hotel I’ve ever visited in my entire life! We could even take one complimentary dessert per person from the lobby...

Exciting Valentines Day・ワクワクバレンタインデー

Hey Everyone! 皆さんこんにちは! Similarly to this past Christmas, Valentines Day this year’s wasn’t particularly as romantic as my first two years here in Japan, but it was fun nonetheless! 今年のバレンタインデーは、この間のクリスマスと同じように、2年前と比べて、あまりロマンチックではありませんでしたが、すごく楽しかったです。   The Sunday beforehand, I met up with two of my closest friends, R-chan and K-chan, in Osaka to get lunch! We got cheese dak kalbi! The restaurant we went to was both cheap and tasty! バレンタインデーの前の日曜日に、仲の良い親友のRちゃんとKちゃんと大阪で待ち合わせして、昼ごはんを食べに行きました。大好きなチーズダッカルビを食べに行って、レストランが安くてものすごく美味しかったです! Afterward we went to the chocolate promenade and sampled lots of tasty, expensive chocolate for free!!  食べ終わったら、チョコレートプロメナードに美味しくて高級なチョコレートをたくさん試食しました。 There were truffles, champagne chocolate and many other flavors that I couldn’t have even imagined in my wildest dreams~ All of the chocolates had beautiful designs too! Maybe next year if I have a valentines, I’ll buy some of those fancy chocolates too!  トリ...