Adventures in Taiwan Part 2・台湾での乗り換えの話の続き

Hey Everyone! I'm back in Japan now!

I had a wonderful time visiting my friends and family in the United States, but what I'd like to talk about today is my trip back to Japan. My flight to Taiwan was at 12:30am, so I got to the airport around 9pm to say goodbye to my family, check my bags and get my boarding pass. When the receptionists printed my pass, it was Hello Kitty themed. While I thought that was super cute, this was just the beginning.


After passing through TSA, I went on to board my flight. Little did I know, I was boarding a Sanrio Character Themed Airplane! It was the cutest thing I had ever seen!! The head rests, pillows, wall art and even promotional videos and more were all Sanrio!!


I officially fell in love with EVA airlines! I plan to use this airline whenever I go home to the States! Or to any country on the other side of the world! The tickets are cheap, the food is amazing, and the service is great to boot!

「EVA Air」がとても気に入りました!アメリカに帰る時やヨーロッパに行く時も、これを使おうかな~と思います。 チケットが安くて、食事も美味しいし、フライトアテンダントたちもすごく優しかったからです!

After my 15 hour flight from Chicago to Taiwan, I get off the plane to endure my 4 hour layover from 4am to 8am. After passing through the ridiculously long line at the Taiwanese TSA checkpoint, I found a place to sit and wait for my departure.


Originally I had planned to just sit and text my friends while waiting for my plane to arrive, but about after about an hour and a half of sitting and waiting, I started to get hungry. So, I got up and decided to look for some food to buy with the Taiwanese money I had leftover from my first layover.


As I walked around the airport in search of food, I walked past a lot of really cool stuff! It's like the airport was hiding its own little world! I didn't have time walk around slowly and get a good look at everything, but what I saw certainly made me excited for my next layover!


There were museums, massage chairs, Sanrio and other themed character stores, restaurants and fancy shops! The only thing I couldn't find was a cheap snack for breakfast. I was about ready to give up on looking, when I asked a receptionist where I could exchange my Taiwanese dollars for yen. Right next to the currency exchange station, there was a cute little stand with cheap little snacks. I wanted a cookie, but they didn't have any, so I ended up buying a chocolate muffin for 50 Taiwanese dollars (~180 yen/~$1.60 usd). 


On my way back to my flight gate, I had about 30 min to spare before boarding, but I didn't want to risk missing my flight, so I hurried back. As soon as I found an empty seat, I sat down and ate my muffin. Shortly after, boarding for my flight began!


Another fun but random mini adventure. I can't wait to see what other adventures are in store in the future!


Just a girl chasing her dreams



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