Beating the Summer Heat in Shirahama!・夏の暑さに負けず、白浜海遊び!
Hi all!
It's that time of year again when the weather in Japan is super hot and muggy. It's only the beginning of July though, so the real heat wave has yet to come. Stay cool and try not to get a heat stroke ;)
また蒸し暑い夏の時期になりましたね。でも、まだ7月の上旬なので、本物の暑さはこれからですね〜 皆さん熱中症にならないように╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
What better way to beat the summer heat than with a trip to Shirahama beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Kansai! This past weekend, that's exactly what my friends and I decided to do. We booked an Airbnb in Shirahama and took the OCAT bus down to Wakayama. The bus ride was 4 hours long, but roundtrip, it only costs 5,500 yen, so I'd say it's worth the price. We stayed for 2 days and 1 night. This vacation was just what we needed lol
この蒸し暑さに負けないため、友達と一緒に白浜に行きました〜🏖 1泊2日しました!朝、早起きして、難波に向かってOCATの白浜高速バスに乗りました!4時間ぐらいかかりましたが、往復で¥5,500なので、結構安かったです〜(*^ω^*)
バスを降りて、ちょっとふらふらしました。とれとれ市場という場所に行って美味しいレストランがたくさんあって超びっくりしました!食べるの)も趣味だから、思い切って食べた〜 超幸せだった〜💕 シーフード食べ放題だった〜♪( ´▽`) 単品料理がたくさんあって、梅やスイーツや海鮮をたくさん食べていろんな梅酒も飲んでみました〜 大きなマグロも刺身に切られるところも見ました!超楽しかった!
The original plan was to go to the beach on the second day, but the weather was so great, we decided to go on the first day as well. The beach hadn't exactly opened up quite yet (i.e. the lifeguards weren't on duty yet) since we were a day early. Thanks to that though, there was barely anyone there. There was plenty of room for us to play around and have a good time. We grabbed some booze from the convenience store and made sure to play with all the toys we brought, so our waterguns, beachballs and sandcastle building materials! We also took like a million pictures!
天気が良かったから、白浜海にも行きました。海開きまで1日ちょっと早かったけど、行ってよかった!砂のお城を作って、お酒飲んで、水で遊んで写真をたくさん撮りました〜 まだ時期が早かったから、人が少なかった!恥ずかしがれずに思い切り遊べました〜
At night, we lit fireworks. This was my first time lighting handheld fireworks since coming to Japan. I had only ever seen it done in anime, Japanese dramas and in my other friends' Instagram stories. It was pretty exciting to finally experience it. Apparently, this is one of those things you just have to do here in the summer! The only thing that could have made our trip better would have been seeing fireflies later that night.
夜は花火をしました。日本に来て、初めての手持ち花火だったから、ものすごく嬉しくて、皆と盛り上がりました!手持ち花火その日までアニメやドラマとインスタグラムでしか見たことがなかったから、やっと体験できて、嬉しくてたまらなかったです〜!めっちゃ夏って感じでした〜笑 蛍も見れば完璧な夏体験だったのに〜😂
The next day we went to the beach again and spent the whole day there. I've heard that the beach is beautiful, but seeing it in person is beyond words. The sand was so white and the water was super clear~ 😍 There were families and groups of young people enjoying themselves as far as the eye could see! We brought our speakers and all of our other toys once again and had a ball! No matter how old you get, no trip to the beach is completely is conplete without toys lol We made an even bigger castles than the day before! We also ate Wakayama ramen! But the most exciting part of the day was jumping in the ocean and riding all the waves! 🌊
次の日は海へ向かいました!白浜の海は関西で1番綺麗って聞いたことがあります。それにしても、すごく綺麗で賑やかな海でした〜 家族や若者がたくさん集まって一日中遊びました〜 私の友達たちもおもちゃとスピーカーを持って来て思い切り遊びました〜(*'▽'*) 水鉄砲や砂城やたこ焼きビーチボールで遊んで、超満足しました〜 何歳になっても、海へ行ったらおもちゃが重要ですわ〜♪( ´▽`) 昨日よりもっと大きい砂のお城を作りました!和歌山ラーメンも食べに行きました〜 でも、海の中で波を乗るのが1番盛り上がりました〜♪( ´▽`)
On top of have lots of toys, we also had snacks for days~ There are a lot of restaurants and food stall around the beach, so there are plenty of places to grab a bite. We also brought a bag of our own snacks~ So I was just in heaven~💕 (I swear I'm sooooo addicted to eating 😂)
綺麗な景色の中でと遊べておやつも海辺で買えます!おやつの店もたくさん並んでいて、まるで天国のようでした〜😍 いろんなスイーツも持ってきたから、マジでスイーツたっぷり〜笑(好きすぎて中毒かも〜笑)
Around about 5:30pm, we hopped on the bus to go home. My friends and I slept throughout the entire bus ride lol That trip went by soooo fast. Before I go back home to the U.S., I absolutely want to come back at least once more.
Thanks so much for reading all the way through~❤️
Just a girl chasing her dreams
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