A little bit about me・あたしについて

Hello all!

I currently live and work in Japan as an English teacher. Living here has been eye-opening in so many ways and every single day is an adventure! I want to share my experiences with the world!

I am also interested in freelance translation. My dream career is to work in International Trade. To reach that goal, I want to develop a well-rounded set of skills. So, that’s another purpose this blog serves.

Please wish me luck on this journey of self-discovery and chasing my dreams! ;)

Also, if you have any questions about life in Japan or traveling around Asia, be sure to reach out!




I have JLPT N2 certification and do informal translation in my free time. However, I would like to practice more. Not only as a means of improving my own language abilities, but to expand my knowledge base on a variety of subjects as well. I think building a strong foundation in a foreign language is also important for a globally oriented career. To practice, I translate this blog into Japanese. I also volunteer with TranslatorsCafe and Wikipedia to practice my skills.

I'm still new to translating, so if anyone my translations seem a bit off, please don't hesitate to let me know.



Life as an ALT
I work in Nara, Japan as an ALT on the JET Program! What’s an ALT you ask? ALT stands for Assistant Language Teacher! In other words, I teach English at a Japanese school and volunteer with my local community in my free time.

I have been working as an ALT for two years now. I must say, it’s not a walk in the park, but every moment has led to invaluable professional and personal growth in a number of ways.

奈良県でJETプログラムのALTとして働いています。ALTは何でしょう?「ALT」っていうのは「Assistant Language Teacher」です。日本語で言うと、「外国語指導助手」です!すなわち、英語の先生です!学校で英語を教えたり、放課後は現地でボランティアをしたりします。


Travels thus far
Living in Japan gives me the opportunity to travel around Asia quite easily for pretty cheap! So far, I have been to South Korea (twice, soon to be three times), Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Trains, busses, and domestic airlines are very efficient here as well so I can travel within the country with ease too! I’ve visited Nara, Osaka, Kyoto, Hyogo, Wakayama, Mie, Shiga, Nagoya, Hiroshima, Sendai, Yamagata, Tokyo, and Okinawa! Naturally, I can’t wait to get even more travel under my belt! ;)


As I’m sure you can tell from the rest of this blog, I love to travel and take pictures! I’m also a huge fan of music! Both listening and dancing to it! I’ve gone to a number of concerts, clubs, bar, and festivals throughout my time here. I even joined a dance class! It’s a really fun way to keep in shape and make new friends!

I also enjoy learning foreign languages! While I am studying for the JLPT N1 exam, I also have a strong interest in Korean language and culture, so I’ve begun to dabble in that as well. I downloaded Duolingo and practice on a daily basis. As you'll see in the pictures, sometimes the sentences can be a bit strange, but it's a fun way to practice. I also have many Korean friends that I practice having conversations with.

I study a bit of French on Duolingo as well, but I’m not quite as good due to lack of formal training that I had in both Korean and Japanese, but I want to learn to speak this language as well. After all, it’s elegant and it isn’t known as the language of love for no reason!




If you ever want to get in contact with me, just send a message to travelingdreamchaser@gmail.com

Can't wait to hear from you~

Just a girl chasing her dreams.


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