How I study Japanese・私の日本語の学習仕方
Hey Everyone, 皆さん、こんにちは! As you all know, I'm studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1(the highest level) right now. While I'm studying (and because I have a lot of free time at work right now), I figured, why not share what I do. もうご存知かもしれませんが、私は今日本語能力試験の1級を勉強中です。1級は最高のレベルです。最近、夏休みに入り、時間があります。そこで私の勉強し方を皆に教えようと思います。 I bought a JLPT N1 practice test booklet on At the start of spring vacation (so quite a while ago), I went through and did a practice test to see where I stand. Let me just say, my listening was great, but everything else needs work. アマゾンから日本語能力試験1級の教科書を購入しました。春休み(もう大分前)に自分の改善しなければいけないところを知るため、勉強をしました。リスニングは大丈夫ですが、その他、漢字、文法、読解は今のままじゃ全然足りません。 Now, I go through all of the passages and pick out kanji, words and grammar that I don't know. I write them, their meaning and if applicable, their usage in a separate text book that I consistently refer back to. The repeated exposure really helps me familiarize myself with ...