Beating the Summer Heat in Shirahama!・夏の暑さに負けず、白浜海遊び!
Hi all! 皆さん、こんにちは! It's that time of year again when the weather in Japan is super hot and muggy. It's only the beginning of July though, so the real heat wave has yet to come. Stay cool and try not to get a heat stroke ;) また蒸し暑い夏の時期になりましたね。でも、まだ7月の上旬なので、本物の暑さはこれからですね〜 皆さん熱中症にならないように╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ What better way to beat the summer heat than with a trip to Shirahama beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in Kansai! This past weekend, that's exactly what my friends and I decided to do. We booked an Airbnb in Shirahama and took the OCAT bus down to Wakayama. The bus ride was 4 hours long, but roundtrip, it only costs 5,500 yen, so I'd say it's worth the price. We stayed for 2 days and 1 night. This vacation was just what we needed lol この蒸し暑さに負けないため、友達と一緒に白浜に行きました〜🏖 1泊2日しました!朝、早起きして、難波に向かってOCATの白浜高速バスに乗りました!4時間ぐらいかかりましたが、往復で¥5,500なので、結構安かったです〜(*^ω^*) Once we got off the bus, we decided to do some exploring. While of course the beach is famous, we also...