Hey Everyone! 皆さん、こんにちは~ I really enjoyed Setsubun this year! Setsubun is a Japanese holiday which takes place every year on February 3rd. It is a holiday to celebrate the beginning of Japanese spring, and cleanse your home and spirit. I first learned about this holiday in my high school Japanese class. I've never actually done anything special to celebrate Setsubun until this year. 今年の節分は、特に楽しかったです。「節分」とは、毎年の2月3日に行われる日本の国民の祝日です。この祝日は春の始まりを祝い、家から悪霊を追い出し、自分の魂を綺麗にする祝日です。初めてこの祝日について習ったのは高校時代でした。それ以降から今年まで、節分に特別なことをあまりしませんでした。 On the day before Setsubun, on February 2nd, I went to a Setsubun festival with several friends. We bought and ate a lot of food from the tons and tons of foodstalls lined up. My Japanese friends told me that in recent years, the foodstalls have come to have more variety. Apparently in the past, mainly Japanese soul foods, like karaage (Japanese fried chicken) and takoyaki (fried octopus balls) were sold. However, these days, you can find ...